

Yelp provides its dataset online here:

The COVID-19 data from Yelp is available here:

Description of the Data

The main Yelp dataset from has 6 files, described here:

business.json, review.json, user.json, checkin.json, tip.json, photo.json

Yelp describes this data as the following (all quoted from the Yelp link above)

Yelp Dataset JSON

Each file is composed of a single object type, one JSON-object per-line.


Contains business data including location data, attributes, and categories.

    // string, 22 character unique string business id
    "business_id": "tnhfDv5Il8EaGSXZGiuQGg",

    // string, the business's name
    "name": "Garaje",

    // string, the full address of the business
    "address": "475 3rd St",

    // string, the city
    "city": "San Francisco",

    // string, 2 character state code, if applicable
    "state": "CA",

    // string, the postal code
    "postal code": "94107",

    // float, latitude
    "latitude": 37.7817529521,

    // float, longitude
    "longitude": -122.39612197,

    // float, star rating, rounded to half-stars
    "stars": 4.5,

    // integer, number of reviews
    "review_count": 1198,

    // integer, 0 or 1 for closed or open, respectively
    "is_open": 1,

    // object, business attributes to values. note: some attribute values might be objects
    "attributes": {
        "RestaurantsTakeOut": true,
        "BusinessParking": {
            "garage": false,
            "street": true,
            "validated": false,
            "lot": false,
            "valet": false

    // an array of strings of business categories
    "categories": [

    // an object of key day to value hours, hours are using a 24hr clock
    "hours": {
        "Monday": "10:00-21:00",
        "Tuesday": "10:00-21:00",
        "Friday": "10:00-21:00",
        "Wednesday": "10:00-21:00",
        "Thursday": "10:00-21:00",
        "Sunday": "11:00-18:00",
        "Saturday": "10:00-21:00"


Contains full review text data including the user_id that wrote the review and the business_id the review is written for.

    // string, 22 character unique review id
    "review_id": "zdSx_SD6obEhz9VrW9uAWA",

    // string, 22 character unique user id, maps to the user in user.json
    "user_id": "Ha3iJu77CxlrFm-vQRs_8g",

    // string, 22 character business id, maps to business in business.json
    "business_id": "tnhfDv5Il8EaGSXZGiuQGg",

    // integer, star rating
    "stars": 4,

    // string, date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
    "date": "2016-03-09",

    // string, the review itself
    "text": "Great place to hang out after work: the prices are decent, and the ambience is fun. It's a bit loud, but very lively. The staff is friendly, and the food is good. They have a good selection of drinks.",

    // integer, number of useful votes received
    "useful": 0,

    // integer, number of funny votes received
    "funny": 0,

    // integer, number of cool votes received
    "cool": 0


User data including the user’s friend mapping and all the metadata associated with the user.

    // string, 22 character unique user id, maps to the user in user.json
    "user_id": "Ha3iJu77CxlrFm-vQRs_8g",

    // string, the user's first name
    "name": "Sebastien",

    // integer, the number of reviews they've written
    "review_count": 56,

    // string, when the user joined Yelp, formatted like YYYY-MM-DD
    "yelping_since": "2011-01-01",

    // array of strings, an array of the user's friend as user_ids
    "friends": [

    // integer, number of useful votes sent by the user
    "useful": 21,

    // integer, number of funny votes sent by the user
    "funny": 88,

    // integer, number of cool votes sent by the user
    "cool": 15,

    // integer, number of fans the user has
    "fans": 1032,

    // array of integers, the years the user was elite
    "elite": [

    // float, average rating of all reviews
    "average_stars": 4.31,

    // integer, number of hot compliments received by the user
    "compliment_hot": 339,

    // integer, number of more compliments received by the user
    "compliment_more": 668,

    // integer, number of profile compliments received by the user
    "compliment_profile": 42,

    // integer, number of cute compliments received by the user
    "compliment_cute": 62,

    // integer, number of list compliments received by the user
    "compliment_list": 37,

    // integer, number of note compliments received by the user
    "compliment_note": 356,

    // integer, number of plain compliments received by the user
    "compliment_plain": 68,

    // integer, number of cool compliments received by the user
    "compliment_cool": 91,

    // integer, number of funny compliments received by the user
    "compliment_funny": 99,

    // integer, number of writer compliments received by the user
    "compliment_writer": 95,

    // integer, number of photo compliments received by the user
    "compliment_photos": 50


Checkins on a business.

    // string, 22 character business id, maps to business in business.json
    "business_id": "tnhfDv5Il8EaGSXZGiuQGg"

    // string which is a comma-separated list of timestamps for each checkin, each with format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    "date": "2016-04-26 19:49:16, 2016-08-30 18:36:57, 2016-10-15 02:45:18, 2016-11-18 01:54:50, 2017-04-20 18:39:06, 2017-05-03 17:58:02"


Tips written by a user on a business. Tips are shorter than reviews and tend to convey quick suggestions.

    // string, text of the tip
    "text": "Secret menu - fried chicken sando is da bombbbbbb Their zapatos are good too.",

    // string, when the tip was written, formatted like YYYY-MM-DD
    "date": "2013-09-20",

    // integer, how many compliments it has
    "compliment_count": 172,

    // string, 22 character business id, maps to business in business.json
    "business_id": "tnhfDv5Il8EaGSXZGiuQGg",

    // string, 22 character unique user id, maps to the user in user.json
    "user_id": "49JhAJh8vSQ-vM4Aourl0g"


Contains photo data including the caption and classification (one of "food", "drink", "menu", "inside" or "outside").

    // string, 22 character unique photo id
    "photo_id": "_nN_DhLXkfwEkwPNxne9hw",
    // string, 22 character business id, maps to business in business.json
    "business_id" : "tnhfDv5Il8EaGSXZGiuQGg",
    // string, the photo caption, if any
    "caption" : "carne asada fries",
    // string, the category the photo belongs to, if any
    "label" : "food"

Transformations to the original data source
